This month of March is a radioactive one for the contestteam of the Dutch Young Ladies Club. From the first of March we have been on the air promoting the Dutch YL-award. Information can be found at www.pi4ylc.n/award. We’re about halfway the YL-month, having worked almost 500 different radioamateurs.
The contestteam will be participating in the Russian DX Contest (RDXC). This is a 24-hour contest, with the aim to work as many Russian oblasts (provinces) possible in CW and/or SSB (more information: This year is the sixth time we will be attending! In 2013 and 2014 we were guestoperators at PI4TUE in Eindhoven. That second year we even had a “Battle of the Sexes” against the OM’s of PI4TUE. In 2015 and 2016 we had a fieldday contestsetup in Ell (Limburg). And last year we were hosted by Hans PA0Q (back then: PA1HR). Thanks to all for their hospitality!
The PI4YLC team will consist of eight (!) YL-operators, entering the contest at the home QTH of Ramona PD9YL and Raymond PA5DX in Rectum (Wierden). We are glad to gradually see more and more Young Ladies forming an operatorteam. As a group we hope to make a lot of nice contacts this weekend!
Cu in RDXC 2018!