Between the 1st and 31st March nine YLs of the PI4YLC contestteam will activate their calls. A download of the Dutch YL-award 2018 will become available at when a QSO is made with three or more of the participating YLs. On this site you can also find an overview of the calls worked by the YLs.
YLs participating: Mariëtte PA1ENG, Lisa PA2LS, Claudia PA5CT, Anneke PB8YL, Ineke PD2CWM, Heather PD3GVQ, Suzan PD3SZN, Sonja PD4SON and Ramona PD9YL.
Below you can find an example of the award. In case of any questions an email can be send to
Good luck Gals,
33 until tomorrow
hello yl
i am bharathi vu2rbi . i will try to be on radio but my antenna is simple inverted v ant for 40/20 hihi
hope i will make few contacts
bharathi vu2rbi
bedankt voor deze bijzondere qso
Martin pd5msc