PI4YLC has again participated in the Russian DX contest (RDXC). This time with the YL-operators: Lisa PA2LS, Chantal PA5YL, Ineke PD2CWM and Claudia PD5AX. Like last year a fieldday setup was used in Ell (a township in Limburg, southern part of the Netherlands). The double setup for this contest was designed by Rens PA3FGA. Two radio stations: a […]
PI4YLC in CQWW DX SSB contest
The last complete weekend of October is CQWW DX SSB contest, www.cqww.com. Radio stations all over the world try to make as many contacts as possible. This weekend four YL-operators will activate PI4YLC at the radioshack of Kees PE1KL: Mariëtte PA1ENG Lisa PA2LS Suzan PD3SZN* Claudia PD5AX *Suzan PD3SZN is 16 years old and the […]
Dutch Young Ladies support JOTA
This coming weekend is a special weekend. The third weekend of October is Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) / Jamboree On The Internet (JOTI): the event in which radioamateurs support scouts all over the world in contacting each other through amateur radio. The theme this year is: ‘The Earth is Yours’. More information about JOTA/JOTI can be found […]
QSL-card PI33YLC
The PI33YLC QSL-card is at the printing shop. We like the design of it. When the QSL-card arrives we will answer all the 474 QSO’s made with call PI33YLC with this unique QSL-card! Front: Back:
YLs in YOTA Italy
The Youngsters On The Air 2015 summer event took place in Italy 18 to 25 july (for details check out the website of YOTA: www.ham-yota.com). Lisa PA2LS joined the event as IARU R1 Youth Coordinator. A total of 76 Youngsters from 23 different countries were present. Among them a good number of YLs, as can be seen […]